Luminos I6005 6-Axis XYZ/RYP Positioner (XY/20-50nm) Semi Automated (X,Y,Z Automated,P,Y,R Manual)
Model Number:L-P6A-BBBMMM-HN-SI / L-P6A-BBBMMM-HN-IBrands:LuminosRichen Code:9000XX00
Imagine a positioning system so stable and easy to adjust that aligning singlemode fiber optical fibers is as simple as tuning a radio. No need to let go of the micrometers while adjusting - the I6005 is extremely touch insensitive. With the patented ergonomic inline design, all the micrometers are easily accessible on one side - just rest your hand comfortably on the table and enjoy the ease and efficiency of quickly aligning any type of fiber. No fiber alignment challenge is too difficult - even 1-2 micron core lensed fibers can easily be aligned. This is possible because of the radical departure from conventional design.


•   Coincident rotation center.
•   Patented Inline actuators provide ease of access and multiple unit workstations.
•   Patented 5x Ratio Drive™ system affords superior resolution for far less cost.
•   Small footprint allows multiple unit workstations.
•   Onboard controller for actuators avoids high cost of separate motion controllers.
•   Damped exterior shell design provides superior vibration and touch insensitivity.
•   Lightweight aluminum construction allows system to be moved easily by other motion equipment.
•   High mechanical stiffness affords rugged and stable base system.
•   Patented linear dual flexure Z offers frictionless repeatable straight travel.
•   Dual flexure Yaw and Pitch stages provide extreme resolution without arc error.
Note: Semi Automated/Fully Automated version Included is a 6 ft. USB to Molex 4 socket cable and AC/DC wall mount adapter (24W, 15V 1.6A) with 4 universal plug adapters (US, UK, EU, AU).

Superior Performance
Imagine a positioning system so stable and easy to adjust that aligning singlemode fiber optical fibers is as simple as tuning a radio. No need to let go of the micrometers while adjusting - the I6005 is extremely touch insensitive. And with the patented ergonomic inline design, all the micrometers are easily accessible on one side - just rest your hand comfortably on the table and enjoy the ease and efficiency of quickly aligning any type of fiber. No fiber alignment challenge is too difficult - even 1-2 micron core lensed fibers caneasily be aligned. This is possible because of the radical departure from conventional design.

All other stages are direct-drive while the Luminos I6005 uses a patented Ratio Drive™ on the X & Y axes. A standard micrometer, which has about 1/3 the backlash of a differential micrometer, is further improved by the 5x Ratio Drive™ resulting in a backlash of only 20 nanometers and an incredible single-sided resolution of just 1 nanometer! The roll, yaw, and pitch axes use similar leverage techniques to transform linear motion from the actuator into extremely precise rotational movements at the output.
Conventional stacked stages have separate frames with each frame simply mounted on the output of the previous stage. This results in the stiffness at the micrometer being degraded by the lack of stiffness between the mounting reference and output of each stage below it. Hand forces on the micrometer are then easily transmitted directly to the output causing the the alignment to wander and typically results in a adjust, release, and wait cycle by the operator. The I6005 consists of only 2 frames. The Z stage is one frame while all the other micrometers are anchored to a shared fixed frame that is attached directly to the output of the Z stage. The Z stage is exceptionally stiff and therefore is not a factor. By sharing a common rigid frame, forces exerted on the micrometers by the operator during adjustment are transmitted directly to the base instead of to the output. The operator can then quickly align without letting go.
The I6005 is extremely vibration and temperature insensitive. In an ordinary lab without an optical table, normal temperature fluctuations result in only 0.03 dB variation with no drift in a typical singlemode alignment for over a month.  See Positioner Stability for more information.

With this advanced design, upgrading to automation is easy and inexpensive. The automated version delivers a resolution of 4 nm (0.16 µ-inch) and 0.5 mm (0.02") of travel on the X and Y axes. An additional 2 millimeters of manual travel is also available using the coarse adjustments.  The Z axis provides a larger 12.7 mm (0.5") of travel on the focal axis and a step size of 100 nm (4µ-inch).
If you require more than 0.5 mm (0.02") of automated travel at the actuator on the X & Y axes, consider the I6005.
For more information on the actuators used for automation of Luminos positioners go to Actuator / Stepper Motor Specifications.

Order Information

Richen Code

Model Number


Accessory Mounting Plate


Manual/Semi Automated/Fully Automated

Z Actuator






Semi Automated

(X,Y,Z Automated,P,Y,R Manual)


XY/20nm Z/100nm





Semi Automated

(X,Y,Z Automated,P,Y,R Manual)


XY/20nm Z/100nm




Product pictures


Adaptor plates, blocks and posts allow integration of components from other vendors as well as combining Luminos positioners of differing sizes into a complete system.


Base Plates

Base plates provide a convenient way to assemble and transport any configuration of Luminos positioners and accessories.


Contact Sensing System

The Luminos Contact Sensing System facilitates the alignment of optical fibers by measuring contact force levels and allowing the determination of a zero-gap position.


Fiber Holders

The FH003(Standard version)and VFH(Vertical version) are designed for use on the Luminos I3000, I3005, I5000, I5005, I6000, I6005 and RYP3000 positioners.

The Extended V-Groove fiber holder is longer to reach out to the coincident rotation point. Special slide attachment features allow this fiber holder to be user adjusted for the desired projection.

The Vertical Fiber Holders place the tips of the projecting fiber at a rotation point that is maintained as the fiber angle is re-adjusted.


Array Holders

Universal Array Holder version allows 2 to 48 fiber arrays.

Narrow Array Holder version’s tip design specifically to enable compact “X” configuration PIC alignments with up to 4 fiber arrays converging on one substrate. Each arrays allow 1-16 fiber



LINOS rails provide a quick and easy way to manually move Luminos positioners beyond their small, precise travel.


Vacuum Holders

Vacuum part holders deliver a quick and reliable method to hold fragile planar devices such as small chips, complex waveguides, optical crystals etc.


Positioner Side Damper

For the fastest settling time when using stepping motor actuators at high speed, consider adding the Luminos Frictionless Positioner Side Damper to achieve critical damping.


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